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Lyrics English

It's Dynamite!

Sheet music version:


I want that building to hit me!
I want that lightnin' to strike!
I wanna jump as though somethin' bit me!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'd like!
I want that mad emotional spasm
That makes you lose your head;
I know a gal who has 'em,
And the gal who has 'em said:


It's dynamite, the kick is dynamite,
The trick is bumpi' into love some unexpected night!
It lights a fuse that hits your foolish heart,
And then a bang, bang, bang, bang tears you apart!
And if his kiss has a terrific smack,
You'll see some stars that aren't lit, then in the zodiac.
When two combustible people ignite,
Let's face it, honey chile,
It's dynamite!

Movie version:


I want that building to hit me!
I want that lightnin' to strike!
I wanna jump as though somethin' bit me!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I'd like!
I want that mad emotional spasm
That makes you lose your head;
I know a gal who has 'em,
And the gal who has 'em said:


It's dynamite, the kick is dynamite,
The trick is bumpi' into love some unexpected night!
It lights a fuse that hits your foolish heart,
And then a bang, bang, bang, bang tears you apart!
And if his kiss has a terrific smack,
You'll see some stars that aren't lit, then in the zodiac.
When two combustible people ignite,
It just ain't funny, chile,
Just bet your money, chile,
Let's face it, honey chile,
It's dynamite!


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