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Lyrics English

Verse 1
Living out on the edge of tomorrow, saying don't look back
Always looking to those prairie skies as my map
I must admit that I wanted to get away
To see the world and all that it had
But I realized how much I missed my homeland

Chorus 1
Ooo (Home)
You don't really know what you have
Till you give it away
Ooo (Home)
Home is the place where your, heart stays

Verse 2
The beauty of the mountain range, calling my name
Warm winds of the chinook, and harvest day
I must admit that I long for that first snow
To see the night sky aurora glow and
Discovering the spring bloom, the Alberta Wildrose

We will never know where we may be
But we know where our home is

Verse 3
I'll never forget when we got snow in the middle of June
Or laying in the back of your truck, staring at the moon
Thinking, This is my home.

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